Monday, August 28, 2017

Nike Flyknit Racer“Be True”

After waiting, Nike finally announced the first two days Flyknit Racer all white color of the official release date. This pair of Flyknit Racer as its "Goddess" a show, Flyknit shoes, details and in the end are pure white through, and even the Swoosh Logo hidden to create a clean and flawless visual effects, while the rubber outsole is made of black A little contrast. Although the shoes selected in the March 8 International Women's Day sale, but the information provided by the Titolo, there will be men and women will be launched together, interested friends may wish to pay more attention.

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On the other hand, after seeing the spy in kind, this time on the network and exposed Nike Flyknit Racer "Be True" do not pay attention to the official picture of color. This pair of shoes in the design of the use of black and white signs Flyknit braided material production shoe body, with black Flywire to maintain the overall unity, while the sideways Swoosh to LGBT the most recognizable "rainbow" element blessing, tongue also The words "BE TRUE" are used to express the support and voice of the LGBT community.

KFC launched the history of the most healthy "Clean Eating" Hamburg?
After looking at the fried chicken to replace the cake "Chizza" fried chicken pizza, KFC also introduced a new "Clean Eating" Hamburg.

Pdfany31063 , Pdfafo3845 , Pdfog27396 , Pdfald3990 , Pdftw27542 , Pdflm27324 , Pdfaqt31136 , Pdfaa325 , Pdfrb27469 , Pdfis27252 , Pdfafp3846 , Pdfoh27397 , Pdfale3991 , Pdfacv3774 , Pdftx27543 , Pdfaqu31137 , Pdfaik3919 , Pdfaaa3701 , Pdfit27253 , Pdfao339 , Pdfafq3847 , Pdfoi27398 , Pdfnb3364 , Pdfalf3992 , Pdfty27544 , Pdfaqv31138 , Pdfaab3702 , Pdfrd27471 , Pdfiu27254 , Pdfwt27617 , Pdfoj27399 , Pdfalg3993 , Pdfacx3776 , Pdftz27545 , Pdfaqw31139 , Pdfaim3921 , Pdfaac3703 , Pdfiv27255 , Pdfaob31066 , Pdfafs3849 , Pdfok27400 , Pdfga27182 , Pdfqu3461 , Pdfalh3994 , Pdflq27328 , Pdfaqx31140 , Pdfaad3704 , Pdfrf27473 , Pdfaft3850 , Pdfol27401 , Pdfgb27183 , Pdfsq3509 , Pdfali3995 , Pdfua27546 , Pdflr27329 , Pdfaqy31141 , Pdfaio3923 , Pdfaae3705 , Pdfrg27474 , Pdfix27257 , Pdfaod31068 , Pdfww27620 , Pdfom27402 , Pdfgc27184 , Pdfvb3572 , Pdfalj3996 , Pdfad328 , Pdfub27547 , Pdfls27330 , Pdfaqz31142
From the promotional film we can see that this KFC and healthy eating restaurant Figgy Poppleton-Rice to create the Hamburg, in order to meet the "Clean Eating" health theme, the traditional bread into cauliflower, and the mezzanine is made of chicken breast Silk, kale, unsweetened almond yogurt, and ice cubes! You may have realized that this is just KFC's mischief, in fact they will launch a named "Dirty Louisiana" hamburgers, fried chicken and two layers of cheese and pickled cucumber may not be healthy enough, but it is KFC Hamburg should look like. At present, this "Dirty Louisiana" Hamburg will only be in the UK and Ireland, so that we look forward to the promotion to more areas around the world.

Michael Jackson's former residence "Neverland" will be sold again
The former residence of Michael Jackson "Neverland", known as the world's most happy pure land. The 2,700-acre mansion, built by MJ in the "Peter Pan", is a fantastic island, with the addition of recreational facilities such as playgrounds, artificial lakes, small trains, cinemas and playgrounds. A small zoo, keeping elephants, giraffes and tigers and other animals, the mansion in the heyday of the annual maintenance costs reached $ 10 million! After being acquired by Colony Capital for $ 22.5 million last year, Neverland had boarded the California high-end real estate market for $ 100 million last year, but was soon removed, and now after the renovation and remodeling, Will be in the name of "Sycamore Valley Ranch", and the price is still up to $ 67 million.

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"Pirates of the Caribbean 5" new trailer released, the young version of Jack Sparrow first appeared
LeBei Pirates came to the fifth episode of the series is still unskilled again to join the new element, with the "old friend" Captain Salazar (released by Javier Bardem) and his escape from the death of the culprits wrestling fights According to legend, can control the ocean of the ancient artifacts Poseidon Trident, but also explain the role of the two young grievances, we can see from the latest film notice of the young version of Jack Sparrow first appeared! Of course, the film's most popular humorous plot. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" will be released on May 26.

KITH 2017 new "Love Thy City" series
Many people say that New York is a colorful place, a lot of things here can shine, and Ronnie Fieg in recent years is a hot born in New York designer, the development of its KITH brand more steady rise, just brought adidas Consortium, Columbia, Coca-Cola, Saban's Power Ranger and other joint projects have also successfully created the topic, and this time on the basis of innovation, dissemination of the importance of New York culture, launched a new series "Love Thy City" to Ronnie Fieg Queens' Cardozo High School as a background, launched a series of clothing to remodel the old fashion, like the 90's denim jacket, sports suits, coach jackets, etc., is basically to look back on the past student career, and Ronnie Fieg him in Cardozo High school spent time to reproduce.

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Is there anything that is inspired in your high school period?
I think Cardozo's biggest feature is their teacher, although I can not say which classroom helped me, but I can still remember some of the teacher's name, they did push me to learn more, to become a more Good people who join the community. And the most important thing is to listen to those older than you, who can learn from their experiences.
Then there is no teacher or a person who has opposed you or pushed you to do other things?
Of course, yes, many teachers have not believe me, but in the Lookbook inside the Naclerio coach had pushed me to become a better self, and for those who do not believe me, I will be regarded as a driving force, Being negative is one of the biggest factors in my success.

Can you compare your high school and now styling style?
In fact, since the high school will certainly evolve a lot, because many of the effects are from then on, but in 1996 I believe is the most influential life of the year, because back to this feeling before, everyone's culture is still not Around the Internet, for me still able to give people a few categories of nostalgia are clothing and music. So this time to return to one of my roots, and evolved from the new generation to see is very gratifying.
Grew up in Queens, New York, and the world's other cities feel that there is no big difference?
Growing up in Queens is a blessing because I can experience different cultures throughout the day, just by bus to school or train work is already a different style, personality and background. After working at Manhattan, I saw the Hip-Hop culture, but the city was actually the center of cultural change, and after having traveled most of the place, I had not seen a place as diverse as it was here.
About "Love Thy City" series, which one item is your favorite?
One of my favorite is the hooded jacket, because it best embodies the reality of New York, people in 1996 in Queens is what we wear, we want to 90 years of nostalgic feeling from color to fabric and now the user Link, so we intend to come to a collection, but I think this is particularly perfect to include this concept. However, although KITH is an important brand, but it represents our touch is a taste and meaningful way to show.
Will the New York culture bring to Maxfield in Los Angeles what is the specific meaning?
As often go to Los Angeles, feel the style and New York is very different, coupled with weather-based, regardless of where the brand launched, always adhere to and retain our characteristics, and as a brand, have the opportunity to create more experience for consumers , Is what we want, in a new space to release our products, you can see what it can show new results, but also hope that Los Angeles people will like them to see, as I like their city.
What do you want today to say to Ronnie Fieg of Cardozo High School?
Hope to continue to maintain the positive, urging themselves, so that the negative views of others become your motivation to achieve great dreams.
In order to celebrate KITH's launch of the "Love Thy City" series, this time in particular, opened a new period in Maxfield, Los Angeles limited stores, and this place earlier for the Fear of God, VETEMENTS and OFF-WHITE and other units held activities, and KITH The new series will be available at the KITH flagship store and online store at 11:00 am on March 4,

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