Wednesday, August 30, 2017

aj xx8

Cause: After the hc mixed equipment read a lot of shoes evaluation, but basically all the evaluation is only for the situation of the shoes themselves to make the score, but the most critical of the evaluation of their own situation is basically no specific details Introduction, so basically the same pair of shoes will often come to a lot of completely different experience, and lz think this is the most critical content is a lot of friends in the actual performance of the shoes when asked not to clear their actual needs, and lz write this article The beginning is to hope that some of the same money into the same section of the recommendations.
So this evaluation will be divided into two parts for everyone to elaborate:
1, lz itself, the actual combat type and the most important needs in combat;
2, the configuration of the shoe itself and the specific performance of shoes in actual combat.
----------------------------------------------- part 1- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
1, the current lz latest combat type should be:
Basic situation Height 175 weight 68kg;
Offensive means:
Individual ball singles shot 2/5;
Personal breakthrough in the ball 1/5;
Ball control organization ball 2/5;
Respectively, as the following GIF show:

 More than three is the most commonly used three lz shot way

 This is the most commonly used breakthrough

 Come again to break the ball
Introduced the basic situation of lz lz talk about the specific needs of real shoes:
First lz is a relatively dependent on the speed and change to the floor of the flow, basically the defense is by personal, the basket will not jump (broken off the shadows), the basic rebound by the card will not pick hard card. Conversion over the demand for shoes is:
1, the forefoot must play (zoom)
2, the end of the torsion must be better (carbon plate)
3, after the palm of the best enough to cushion (lz then maintained a long period of time 60kg weight that time that is very satisfied with the zoom, but recently began to exercise body strength after the weight slowly rose to 68kg, has recently been a slight feeling To the back of the palm of the zoom step on the ground in the end, so slowly began to consider the palm of the palm after the palm)
Ok, introduced the lz's own situation that today's protagonist also ready to go out ------ AJ xx8
--------------------------------------------- part 2 --- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1, xx8 configuration:

 Take a look at the picture of online shoes
See this configuration map is simply tailored for the lz rhythm ah, then much less time is a lot of the map;

Above the three is the shoes of the soles of the picture, put aside the drum package does not say, wear resistance or acceptable (clown red real battle ten times or so most of the wood, the field of the paint field is only in a person when practicing through; Oak mountain practiced about three times, are the strength of the actual two times a wooden field field paint, no way to clown red expensive can not live, oak mountain cheap point lhu up not so distressed)
Xx8 feet and drums of the problem I believe that the equipment area friends are talking about a lot, I am not much nonsense here, and I focus on the xx8 easy to ignore the package and support;

 The shoes of the boots quite delicate, followed by the protrusion just posted the heel of the tendon, very comfortable;

 The above two figures in the white circle is part of the xx8 package and the essence of the upper support, just lz Baidu for a long time finally found xx8 boots is called a dynamic Fit technology stuff, the specific process lz not Do not know how to pull, the following lz just talk about their real feelings of wearing, first of all the second map of the lace out of the perforation do not know what technology is used, the basic shoelace through the basic after no slippery situation , Which is transformed into a sense of wearing a terrorist package, basically tie the shoelace is wearing a more ankle feeling, is completely locked ankle! (Sorry lz love this metamorphosis of the ankle wrapped)
Because of this boots system, let lz from the simple like xx8 loaded with pull the wind shape to love her metamorphosis of the actual combat skills, put aside the hot drum package problems and expensive prices, in fact, it is not difficult to find in recent years aj In fact, in the intentions to do a pair of professional high-end combat shoes, can be expected xx9 must also be a pair of combat super-class shoes, but unfortunately did not take into account the shape of the shoes.

The last has been started xx8 friends or suggested that the first pressure road for some time and then brought to actual combat, lz two pairs of xx8 just back when the front palm zoom pressure are up the pressure of the road for some time after the zoom shape is more fit Foot type of the estimated to prevent the drums also have a little use it pure experience psychological comfort soil ho not bad money can skip the ha ha

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

ZK11 & Kyrie 1

Today, not many stories, in fact, there is not much story. A lot of time is a word, Just do it.

15 end of the year began to fall into the basketball world, not enough time to understand some people. Kobe Bryant, Duncan, Garnett, Ray Allen, Iverson ... ... these are later with the increase in understanding, want to know people, but unfortunately they have to stay in the stadium, with years left.

Kobe's spirit makes me very moving. Because the watch time is too short, not to mention feelings, but still do not want to miss his last generation signature shoes. Into the black months and Europe after the limited Q54, still on the color of Bruce Lee no less than fit. As a small fan of martial arts like Bruce Lee, this combination, think about it is very special very rare.

- so, Zoom Kobe 11 Elite - Bruce Lee

Compared to the previous generations of Bruce Lee color, this time the Logo is my favorite, from the size and texture are very good
This upper feel from the senses, it is more refined, especially in the relatively slender shoe type.

This side of the body streamline is also quite nice, but the feeling is also assigned color, and some color in the low seems a little mediocre.

This time with the color, I am very satisfied with a place. Yellow feeling just right, the color is very positive. The other pair of shoes to give me this feeling, that is, Owen 3 third of the contest that red, compared to 2 red gold hook that red to look good.

In the past to see a lot of JRs to share some Kobe, KD and other signatures from the beginning of the first generation of shoes, I think they probably will not chase a player to each pair of signature shoes have a collection. But now understand that it is only the heat to the time. Once wanted to persuade himself all casually, from last year like Owen began to issue a second generation signature shoes, tell yourself that starting from the 2 generation it
But recently with the practice of playing football and watching Owen's game, highlights, life experience increased, more and more feel that this may be a long-term thing. Think about it, ten years later, Owen's signature shoes may also be out of the dozen generations, that time if only the first generation, presumably will be a regret it

- so, Kyrie 1 Limited - 'Rise' World Tour

The landlord recently to the two pairs of shoes, really beautiful, a pair of Owen 2ID, so fast for a month, really Saddle no patience of the landlord of the hey
A pair of Owen 3 three-point competition color, the landlord is female JR, feet, only this color has 40 yards slightly, individuals also prefer small red shoes, so also into the.
Two pairs are to take SF, Owen 3 yesterday, the afternoon of the health of the ball tried, with a simple evaluation, written in the last; Owen 2 is just arrived today, open the moment is very stunning, the color is not Imagine the big, really beautiful
Nonsense less, to the old iron on the map, girls dormitory a bit messy, we will see Kazakhstan

In Owen 3 wrote a word, one is the Lillard ad in the "think like king like man toil" (like the king like thinking, like a servant as hard), a "no field, early Yong juvenile" (just the beginning Take the needle pen to write will fade, simply take the oily pen to write more than once)

Hit a Bureau of Water Bureau, Owen 3 impression is as follows:
Advantages: the grip is very out of the group, when the change is very comfortable, much more comfortable than the Owen 2, the end is the XDR, lines are relatively deep, I believe will be more wear it, many people criticize Owen 3 is tile shoes, Because the individual weight is relatively light, this feeling is not very deep, cushioning in the range I can accept, I added it to the insoles, the effect will be much better

Disadvantages: personal feeling shoes are too bloated, and should be more pick a pair of shoes, it is recommended that you try to pass through the number of yards. Anti-twist may be a little grasping chicken, it is said that the end of the carbon plate, not yet felt, do not know how to play a few games how the ball feel. The upper filler does not look so much, very soft, shoelace I have not yet found a way to completely tighten the way, there is no Velcro, more protective than the second generation of a lot of shoes lining the fabric problem, Out of the sweat socks in the inside there may be slippery, but also for the insoles can be broken

Monday, August 28, 2017

Nike Flyknit Racer“Be True”

After waiting, Nike finally announced the first two days Flyknit Racer all white color of the official release date. This pair of Flyknit Racer as its "Goddess" a show, Flyknit shoes, details and in the end are pure white through, and even the Swoosh Logo hidden to create a clean and flawless visual effects, while the rubber outsole is made of black A little contrast. Although the shoes selected in the March 8 International Women's Day sale, but the information provided by the Titolo, there will be men and women will be launched together, interested friends may wish to pay more attention.

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On the other hand, after seeing the spy in kind, this time on the network and exposed Nike Flyknit Racer "Be True" do not pay attention to the official picture of color. This pair of shoes in the design of the use of black and white signs Flyknit braided material production shoe body, with black Flywire to maintain the overall unity, while the sideways Swoosh to LGBT the most recognizable "rainbow" element blessing, tongue also The words "BE TRUE" are used to express the support and voice of the LGBT community.

KFC launched the history of the most healthy "Clean Eating" Hamburg?
After looking at the fried chicken to replace the cake "Chizza" fried chicken pizza, KFC also introduced a new "Clean Eating" Hamburg.

Pdfany31063 , Pdfafo3845 , Pdfog27396 , Pdfald3990 , Pdftw27542 , Pdflm27324 , Pdfaqt31136 , Pdfaa325 , Pdfrb27469 , Pdfis27252 , Pdfafp3846 , Pdfoh27397 , Pdfale3991 , Pdfacv3774 , Pdftx27543 , Pdfaqu31137 , Pdfaik3919 , Pdfaaa3701 , Pdfit27253 , Pdfao339 , Pdfafq3847 , Pdfoi27398 , Pdfnb3364 , Pdfalf3992 , Pdfty27544 , Pdfaqv31138 , Pdfaab3702 , Pdfrd27471 , Pdfiu27254 , Pdfwt27617 , Pdfoj27399 , Pdfalg3993 , Pdfacx3776 , Pdftz27545 , Pdfaqw31139 , Pdfaim3921 , Pdfaac3703 , Pdfiv27255 , Pdfaob31066 , Pdfafs3849 , Pdfok27400 , Pdfga27182 , Pdfqu3461 , Pdfalh3994 , Pdflq27328 , Pdfaqx31140 , Pdfaad3704 , Pdfrf27473 , Pdfaft3850 , Pdfol27401 , Pdfgb27183 , Pdfsq3509 , Pdfali3995 , Pdfua27546 , Pdflr27329 , Pdfaqy31141 , Pdfaio3923 , Pdfaae3705 , Pdfrg27474 , Pdfix27257 , Pdfaod31068 , Pdfww27620 , Pdfom27402 , Pdfgc27184 , Pdfvb3572 , Pdfalj3996 , Pdfad328 , Pdfub27547 , Pdfls27330 , Pdfaqz31142
From the promotional film we can see that this KFC and healthy eating restaurant Figgy Poppleton-Rice to create the Hamburg, in order to meet the "Clean Eating" health theme, the traditional bread into cauliflower, and the mezzanine is made of chicken breast Silk, kale, unsweetened almond yogurt, and ice cubes! You may have realized that this is just KFC's mischief, in fact they will launch a named "Dirty Louisiana" hamburgers, fried chicken and two layers of cheese and pickled cucumber may not be healthy enough, but it is KFC Hamburg should look like. At present, this "Dirty Louisiana" Hamburg will only be in the UK and Ireland, so that we look forward to the promotion to more areas around the world.

Michael Jackson's former residence "Neverland" will be sold again
The former residence of Michael Jackson "Neverland", known as the world's most happy pure land. The 2,700-acre mansion, built by MJ in the "Peter Pan", is a fantastic island, with the addition of recreational facilities such as playgrounds, artificial lakes, small trains, cinemas and playgrounds. A small zoo, keeping elephants, giraffes and tigers and other animals, the mansion in the heyday of the annual maintenance costs reached $ 10 million! After being acquired by Colony Capital for $ 22.5 million last year, Neverland had boarded the California high-end real estate market for $ 100 million last year, but was soon removed, and now after the renovation and remodeling, Will be in the name of "Sycamore Valley Ranch", and the price is still up to $ 67 million.

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"Pirates of the Caribbean 5" new trailer released, the young version of Jack Sparrow first appeared
LeBei Pirates came to the fifth episode of the series is still unskilled again to join the new element, with the "old friend" Captain Salazar (released by Javier Bardem) and his escape from the death of the culprits wrestling fights According to legend, can control the ocean of the ancient artifacts Poseidon Trident, but also explain the role of the two young grievances, we can see from the latest film notice of the young version of Jack Sparrow first appeared! Of course, the film's most popular humorous plot. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" will be released on May 26.

KITH 2017 new "Love Thy City" series
Many people say that New York is a colorful place, a lot of things here can shine, and Ronnie Fieg in recent years is a hot born in New York designer, the development of its KITH brand more steady rise, just brought adidas Consortium, Columbia, Coca-Cola, Saban's Power Ranger and other joint projects have also successfully created the topic, and this time on the basis of innovation, dissemination of the importance of New York culture, launched a new series "Love Thy City" to Ronnie Fieg Queens' Cardozo High School as a background, launched a series of clothing to remodel the old fashion, like the 90's denim jacket, sports suits, coach jackets, etc., is basically to look back on the past student career, and Ronnie Fieg him in Cardozo High school spent time to reproduce.

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Is there anything that is inspired in your high school period?
I think Cardozo's biggest feature is their teacher, although I can not say which classroom helped me, but I can still remember some of the teacher's name, they did push me to learn more, to become a more Good people who join the community. And the most important thing is to listen to those older than you, who can learn from their experiences.
Then there is no teacher or a person who has opposed you or pushed you to do other things?
Of course, yes, many teachers have not believe me, but in the Lookbook inside the Naclerio coach had pushed me to become a better self, and for those who do not believe me, I will be regarded as a driving force, Being negative is one of the biggest factors in my success.

Can you compare your high school and now styling style?
In fact, since the high school will certainly evolve a lot, because many of the effects are from then on, but in 1996 I believe is the most influential life of the year, because back to this feeling before, everyone's culture is still not Around the Internet, for me still able to give people a few categories of nostalgia are clothing and music. So this time to return to one of my roots, and evolved from the new generation to see is very gratifying.
Grew up in Queens, New York, and the world's other cities feel that there is no big difference?
Growing up in Queens is a blessing because I can experience different cultures throughout the day, just by bus to school or train work is already a different style, personality and background. After working at Manhattan, I saw the Hip-Hop culture, but the city was actually the center of cultural change, and after having traveled most of the place, I had not seen a place as diverse as it was here.
About "Love Thy City" series, which one item is your favorite?
One of my favorite is the hooded jacket, because it best embodies the reality of New York, people in 1996 in Queens is what we wear, we want to 90 years of nostalgic feeling from color to fabric and now the user Link, so we intend to come to a collection, but I think this is particularly perfect to include this concept. However, although KITH is an important brand, but it represents our touch is a taste and meaningful way to show.
Will the New York culture bring to Maxfield in Los Angeles what is the specific meaning?
As often go to Los Angeles, feel the style and New York is very different, coupled with weather-based, regardless of where the brand launched, always adhere to and retain our characteristics, and as a brand, have the opportunity to create more experience for consumers , Is what we want, in a new space to release our products, you can see what it can show new results, but also hope that Los Angeles people will like them to see, as I like their city.
What do you want today to say to Ronnie Fieg of Cardozo High School?
Hope to continue to maintain the positive, urging themselves, so that the negative views of others become your motivation to achieve great dreams.
In order to celebrate KITH's launch of the "Love Thy City" series, this time in particular, opened a new period in Maxfield, Los Angeles limited stores, and this place earlier for the Fear of God, VETEMENTS and OFF-WHITE and other units held activities, and KITH The new series will be available at the KITH flagship store and online store at 11:00 am on March 4,

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Air Jordan 14

I understand the AIR JORDAN - Air Jordan 14 chanting by the S87-BEIJING published in the tiger equipment and sports equipment
  In 2000 around the time, when it comes to Air Jordan 14 generation, only need to use two words to describe - the song; in 2008 and then mention Air Jordan 14 generation will add more words to describe it - Jordan In the Chicago Bulls last shot when wearing the pair of shoes.

  1998 NBA Finals, Salt Lake City, Delta Center Gymnasium (later renamed the Energy Solutions Arena and also known as the energy supply center, the two names I heard the most, there are other names.) Utah Jazz Home, Jordan at the last minute from 08.1 seconds to start, between 07.8 and 07.6 seconds to make an emergency stop, throw off the jazz defender Russell (later became the Jordan Wizards teammates) defense , Got up jumper, when the ball easily after the network, the time seems to be stagnant. Jordan told the world in the attention of his fans, this season's NBA championship is Chicago, but also told the world like the Jordan shoes, is the Air Jordan 14 with Jordan this unprecedented success.
Pdfatf271201 , UDalzl28799 , Pdfabd27731 , Pdfafv27853 , Pdfauu271242 , Pdfaje27940 , UDamaz28839 , UDamfq28960 , Pdfahj27893 , Pdfakt27981 , Pdffv27177 , UDamcn28879 , UDamhf29001 , Pdfaiy27934 , Pdfamh271021 , UDameb28919 , UDamiu29042 , UDaot2409 , Pdfanw271062 , Pdfasn271183 , UDamki29082 , Pdfaal27713 , Pdfaub271223 , Pdfac2728 , Pdfaqz271143 , Pdfagr27875 , Pdfavq271264 , Pdffc27158 , UDambv28861 , Pdfado27794 , Pdfaif27915 , Pdfc272 , UDalyt28781 , UDamdj28901 , Pdfafc27834 , UDaqj2451 , UDamag28820 , UDamey28942 , UDamjq29064 , Pdfaka27962 , Pdfaos271084 , UDamgn28983 , Pdfalp271003 , UDamib29023 , UDaoa2390 , Pdfand271043 , Pdfarv271165 , Pdfbh2759 , UDalya28762 , Pdfaek27816 , Pdfatj271205 , Pdfabh27735 , Pdfafz27857 , Pdfauy271246 , Pdfek27140 , UDalwm28722 , UDambc28842 , Pdfacw27776 , Pdfakx27985 , Pdffz27181 , UDamcr28883 , UDamhj29005 , Pdfzw27698 , Pdfaml271025 , UDamef28923 , UDamiy29046 , Pdfaji27944 , Pdfao2740 , UDamfu28964 , Pdfaap27717
  Although some people think that Jordan this ball has a foul suspect, but then the referee did not penalty foul, and later Russell talked about the ball that year, calmly said that ten years have more than 10,000 people came to him To mention his experience of being dismayed by Jordan. He also stated that he would Jordan that break the ball video read thousands of times, the conclusion is only one - Jordan pushed foul. "That's a foul, man," Russell said, "that's the way it is, some people have asked me, 'Why did not you prevent Jordan', but did anyone do it?" It was dramatic that 2002 -2003 season, he became a free agent after the Washington Wizards signed, this time coincides with Jordan's second comeback, the former "enemy" to become side by side teammates. But whether or not foul, it is already gone, stay in people's mind is more that the classic "last vote" - The last shot! The

  Jordan himself is only in the 98 finals competition wearing Air Jordan 14 generation, because Jordan wearing this pair of black and red color Air Jordan 14 into a perfect brilliant last vote, Air Jordan 14 black and red color almost become a Like Jordan and like Jordan shoes are absolutely indispensable collection. So significant significance of the shoes, Jordan only wear two games only in that retired before the Air Jordan 14 sales done an excellent bedding. All eager to Air Jordan 14 black and red color sale of the people, in the summer of 1998 when the need to wait for nearly half a year, this desire to illuminate the shadow of Jordan retired.

  Air Jordan 14 generation of design inspiration also from the same specific things, that is, Jordan's favorite Ferrari a sports car. Before the 13 generation is a biological design, to the 14th generation, Air Jordan series from the very rigid sports car to draw the design inspiration, and even Tinker have admitted that in the late design of Jordan shoes, he has become quite bold The

  Overall, Air Jordan 14 really from the industrial design of a peak - Ferrari sports car to learn a lot of industrial design inspiration, Air Jordan 14 part of the color of the body of the car line, drilling; in the end of the ventilation holes; soles Carbon fiber board design, almost all from the sports car. While the side of Jordan's JUMPMAN LOGO is basically a reference to the Ferrari brand that horse designed. In the configuration is the same before and after the palm separation ZOOM AIR, but this is the first year and re-engraving is different, I also found two pictures in the forum contrast (although his hands are double engraved, but is The new state has not been worn, so it is not willing to "anatomy" of the.

The figure is the first year of the Air Jordan 14, before and after ZOOM AIR, but the forefoot of the ZOOM AIR is divided into four separate small air chamber.
Save the picture
The picture shows the 2005 re-engraved Air Jordan 14, the same front and rear palm ZOOM AIR, but the front palm to the fan-shaped ZOOM AIR.
  Jordan himself in the game wearing only black and red color Air Jordan 14 played two finals of the year, after winning the sixth championship, Jordan no longer wearing Air Jordan 14 appeared in the official NBA stadium, only in the Some non-game of public occasions or training when wearing Air Jordan 14 generation, which may be one of the reasons for the 14 untouchables it.

Air Yeezy 2

Before we see the Air Yeezy 2 exposure details of the map, today to see you the most recent design of the most popular shoes sketch, you can see some of the details of the design sketch design and the final kind or a little difference. Which do you prefer?

Remember the first generation of AIR YEEZY sale, the Beijing sale of the store is the Drum Tower DEAL, many influx of people and shoes are in the past line up draw, I have a good student had to learn to learn so missed. The The Of course, then there are reselling dang, but then they priced more than 2,000 yuan or $ 4,500, I can not afford as a student, but this price is indeed able to be most of the people who love shoes to accept. After a 3-year period of time, there is a part of YEEZY was wearing a bad, part of the collection, and some were bought by the stars, only a small part of the market is still in circulation, the appreciation is inevitable, and now a pair The new AIR YEEZY worth has been over ten thousand.

UDakyk28096 , UDakll27759 , UDakkh27729 , UDalrb28581 , UDalec28244 , UDakqa27878 , UDakox27849 , UDakby27512 , UDaknt27819 , UDalgk28304 , UDaktm27968 , UDalsf28611 , UDalfg28274 , UDakfj27601 , UDakre27908 , UDakef27571 , UDaljw28394 , UDalvr28701 , UDalis28364 , UDakvu28028 , UDalho28334 , UDakuq27998 , UDakhr27661 , UDakgn27631 , UDalmd28453 , UDakzf28117 , UDall2323 , UDakyb28087 , UDaklc27750 , UDakwy28058 , UDakjz27721 , UDalpp28543 , UDalol28513 , UDalbm28176 , UDakoo27840 , UDalnh28483 , UDaknk27810 , UDakmg27780 , UDalta28632 , UDalqt28573 , UDaldu28236 , UDakqw27900 , UDakdx27563 , UDalcq28206 , UDakps27870 , UDakct27533 , UDalvi28692 , UDalij28355 , UDalue28662 , UDalhf28325 , UDakuh27989 , UDalgb28295 , UDaktd27959 , UDakge27622 , UDaks2304 , UDakfa27592 , UDallv28445 , UDalkr28415 , UDaljn28385 , UDakwp28049 , UDakvl28019 , UDakim27682 , UDaloc28504 , UDalbd28167 , UDalmz28475 , UDala2312 , UDaknb27801 , UDakyx28109 , UDakly27772 , UDalqk28564
Two years later, KANYE WEST finally put on a new generation of YEEZY, with a variety of spy photos of exposure, AIR YEEZY 2 sale also seems to come. Finally, the summer of 2012, Beijing NPC, BEGINS, Shanghai JUICE, there are two of the I.T. have confirmed the sale of the message, once missed a YEEZY I certainly do not want to miss the second back.

In June 2012, Nike Air Yeezy II came into sight. This pair of shoes can be described as creating a new sports process, it will Nike for the athletic competition brought about by the classic breakthrough and outstanding performance and beautiful perfect fusion, and thus much attention. Nike Air Yeezy II every design element all through and show the technology and innovation. It is a wildly crafted serpentine leather that covers a quarter of the upper and uses the Vac-Tech technology to create the Nike Logo. The design of the heel of the heel is inspired by the lizard, and the echo is the same as the magic of the design of the spurs designed to lock the foot of the Velcro. Nike Air Yeezy II design inspiration from the original Nike Air Yeezy - this double reference to the late 80s of the 20th century basketball cornerstone shoes for innovation. The new Nike Air Yeezy II uses the Nike Air Tech Challenge II tennis shoes outsole, and with a mold of the front foot Velcro, to the classic Nike cross-border training shoes to pay tribute.

Nike Air Yeezy II has unparalleled performance, the excess filler is removed, wrapped feet and velvet shoes mouth to give the feet to bring full comfort and permeability. Fit is the essence of the design of shoes, so in the design to strive Nike Air Yeezy II than the first generation of Air Yeezy shoes more slender, and in full compliance with Kanye West's foot type. While the lower shoes also make the movement more flexible. Nike on the material of the persistent pursuit of the ultimate success of the Nike Air Yeezy II, it will be luxurious synthetic leather, solid bulletproof nylon and soft matte skin together. Low-key but rich details of the design to draw the ancient culture, including with the pictographic "YZY" Velcro inside; to the tip of the stone tower shape for the inspiration of the lace with two metal hoop; use of serpentine elements of the eye material and printed Roman numerals "II" of the cortical buckle.

I have been a fan of kanye west, has not been bought for the first start and upset, and finally in the ebay high price received these, used to share I do not use the camera, the first time I can shoot this level I am satisfied The The This shoe is not how to wear out, the basic for the collection.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Nike Zoom Soldier VIII Sample

Solider series since the introduction of 07 has been continued since this, it was originally a playoff shoes, but in the 2013-2014NBA season shine. Throughout the season we can often see James in the game wearing this pair of nike zoom Soldier VII to play. And in the equipment area a lot of friends on Soldier VII is also full of praise. So I started to have a different kind of attention to the Soldier series, when Soldier VIII spy photos of the moment, my most intuitive feeling is - designers lazy seems too obvious. Look at the Soldier 6,7,8 three generations of pictures, you have to say that the three generations too like, do not know for Soldier VIII is not to produce some aesthetic fatigue?

But the appearance of a pair of shoes is only one of his factors, compared to some shoes, because the introduction of new design reasons, and the previous generation to overthrow the overhaul to make a parallel, this case is also a lot of. But in some people who like the traditional view, in the appearance of a certain inheritance may be a good thing, like "Xiao Cao Cao with" the same story. Since Soldier VIII is almost perfect, it seems to be justified by his merits.

Feeling first put aside, feeling and the reality of the gap is often not a few words to be able to say clearly, on the feet, playing a ball. Come talk about Nike Zoom Soldier VIII excellent and bad.

First, the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII is the sample. Before the Internet has also been exposed. Although the commercial should be with him not much difference, but the picture has been found some differences. In the already exposed commercial version, the shoe hole is six holes, and this sample is 5 holes.

Upper large area of ​​Fuse material, from the area point of view has occupied more than half of the upper, so Soldier VIII lighter weight, and fuse material is also more soft, not too many "plastic shoes" traces. Fuse material in the toe, tongue, and the upper there are more use, and the fuse is clearly seen to have a sponge filler. Although the reasons for the forefoot of the boots hit a little discount, but the feeling of muzzling or have a good effect.

htmfcsn882527 , htmfdge882882 , htmfdtw883238 , htmfcua882566 , htmfdhs882922 , htmfcvo882606 , htmfdjf882961 , htmfdwx883317 , htmfcjk882290 , htmfdkt883001 , htmfcky882330 , htmfcyp882685 , htmfdmg883040 , htmfcml882369 , htmfdac882724 , htmfdbq882764 , htmfec88124 , htmfdds882818 , htmfdrj883173 , htmfdff882857 , htmfdsx883213 , htmfctb882541 , htmfdgt882897 , htmfduk883252 , htmfcup882581 , htmfdvy883292 , htmfcwc882620 , htmfdju882976 , htmfcjz882305 , htmfclm882344 , htmfczd882699 , htmfdmv883055 , htmfeam883410 , htmfdar882739 , htmfdoi883094 , htmfcon882423 , htmfdpw883134 , htmfcqa882462 , htmfdry883188 , htmfdtl883227 , htmfctq882556 , htmfdhh882911 , htmfduz883267 , htmfdiv882951 , htmfdwm883306 , htmfcj8879 , htmfdki882990 , htmfdy88120 , htmfckn882319 , htmfcye882674 , htmfdzn883385 , htmfcma882358 , htmfczs882714 , htmfdnj883069 , htmfeba883424 , htmfdbf882753 , htmfdox883109 , htmfcpb882437 , htmfdct882793 , htmfcqp882477 , htmfdeg882832 , htmfcsc882516 , htmfdfu882872 , htmfdhw882926 , htmfdjj882965 , htmfdxa883320 , htmfcjo882294 , htmfcxf882649 , htmfdkx883005 , htmfdyo883360 , htmfclb882333
But the use of a large area of ​​the fuse had to discuss its durability problems. I wrote UA and Penny V before that. Get everyone's feedback is the biggest drawback of the upper fuse durability is low, so here also for the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII durability of the same question? According to historical experience to judge the words, the frequent field of actual combat, the fuse of the upper damage is relatively large. But Nike Zoom Soldier VIII's upper support is lower, the upper that is a soft word too. If the fuse has a certain toughness, then the durability of shoes or can withstand some test.

Recently several shoes flywire technology exposed more and more obvious, CP3 VII AE is exposed wild. And Nike Zoom Soldier VIII compared to a little convergence or a little bit. Nike Zoom Soldier VIII's forefoot parcel is very close, credit from Flywire and forefoot boots with the match. And the upper of the magic stick to lock the ankle, so whether it is forefoot or ankle Nike Zoom Soldier VIII in the package are invincible presence. Compared to the lebron 11 parcel for a heavenly difference. Uppers and feet to become a whole, in the real time will make the giant giant increase, I believe this is the first experience of actual combat dang.

The upper part of the package because of the reasons for the Velcro can give a praise. But heel no shoes with the commonly used tpu, so in stability and protection I still have a little worry, Wei feet the possibility is still high, defender friends can add an ankle to ensure safety. The shoes at the zipper design in my view completely belong to a chicken-style design, because the upper is low in the design, there is no big problem in the dress, but it has a great quality hazard. Durability has a little red light on here.

From this point of view look inside the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII. The thickness of the upper is not very thick, but the comfort and parcel are good, forefoot with small boots, and the tongue will not have the feeling of the instep, of course, the magic pull too tight, then there are some. While the insoles below is a sponge, in general, Nike Zoom Soldier VIII in the lining design to the main comfort.

In the end of the material is Nike commonly used Phylon foam. Soft is not rigid, but the comfort is excellent. Built-in front and rear palm Zoom is the core of the end of the cushioning. For friends who like the sense of Zoom foot may hear such a configuration will feel more happy, but the new shoes when the feet of the foot feeling is not particularly obvious Zoom, and the actual combat after the front and back of the palm of the feedback is obviously a lot.
In the end of the support for the foot of the poor, in the pedal of the moment, the end of the feedback there are some procrastination. This is the lack of support for the TPU and carbon plate, although the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII as well as the previous generation in the end built a rectangular TPU, but its hardness and area are difficult to give too much help. And the end of the effect for the cushion is still very good, and because the weight of the shoes lighter, actual combat, take-off and cushioning effect is very good.

The soles of the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII is a groove, at first glance is not very wear-resistant, just like Lebron 11 soles the same. Although the shoe texture is a symbol of the stability of the hexagon, but the slip can only say that the general, grip is not very good results, if Nike Zoom Soldier VIII in the removal of the soles to play 95 points, then add the soles Only 80 minutes of feeling.

Insoles are ORIHOLIIE, the thickness of the general, this is not too much evaluation, generally like friends.

In summary, this Nike Zoom Soldier VIII sample version is more than some of the feelings, in general, can have 80 points a pair of real good shoes, but in the design but there are some monotonous, in addition to the zipper zipper design, The other really no bright spots, and that the design of the zipper is necessary, because once the damage, then the upper is equivalent to the lack of a piece of shoes is equal to the waste! So, whether to choose this Nike Zoom Soldier VIII
Or need to be based on their actual needs.

Here are some details of the Nike Zoom Soldier VIII design.

The NKE S-8 LRJ 6 AK / OH US 330/503 is the name NKE: NIKE in the US stock issue name, S-8: Soldier 8 LRJ 6: LeBron Raymone James 6, AK / OH US : Akron / Ohio James birthplace, 330/503, respectively, represents the Akron / Portland area code.

Upper zipper design

Lebron 11 the same inverted design of the logo. And this shoebox also seems to use Lebron 11 the same shoe box.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Adidas TMAC5

McGrady four generations of basketball shoes TMAC4 launched the concept of HUG system. The HUG three-dimensional system was originally prepared for The Kobe3, and the design began in 2001. The concept of this design comes from the snowlock's closure system. The best way for a designer to find a fixed foot is to press the foot to the bottom of the shoe, close to the heel, and secure it on the cushion at the end to ensure the best pressure dispersion and tighten the feet. The bottom and bottom HUG elements are designed in different shapes, placed in different areas, fully wrapped and tightened feet. So that the athlete's feet really fit the system. The traction line and the closing adjustment device make this technique an organic whole. Become a pair of lace without the top basketball shoes, but HUG eventually in the weight of the defects on the Adidas had to give up the red time and time of the technology.

htmfbzp882035 , htmfbvm881928 , htmfbww881964 , htmfbyf881999 , htmfcew882172 , htmfchp882243 , htmfbtx881887 , htmfchj882237 , htmfcbx882095 , htmfceq882166 , htmfbzd882023 , htmfcan882059 , htmfbxu881988 , htmfbva881916 , htmfcfu882196 , htmfchd882231 , htmfcda882124 , htmfbyy882018 , htmfcah882053 , htmfcbr882089 , htmfbwe881946 , htmfbtl881875 , htmfbuv881911 , htmfccv882119 , htmfcab882047 , htmfcbl882083 , htmfbvz881941 , htmfbxi881976 , htmfbtf881869 , htmfbup881905 , htmfcib882255 , htmfcfi882184 , htmfbuj881899 , htmfcgm882214 , htmfccj882107 , htmfcdt882143 , htmfcfc882178 , htmfbzq882036 , htmfbwx881965 , htmfbyg882000 , htmfcgg882208 , htmfchq882244 , htmfcdn882137 , htmfcex882173 , htmfcau882066 , htmfbya881994 , htmfbzk882030 , htmfbty881888 , htmfbvh881923 , htmfcdh882131 , htmfcao882060 , htmfcby882096 , htmfbwl881953 , htmfbze882024 , htmfbts881882 , htmfche882232 , htmfcio882268 , htmfcfv882197 , htmfcgz882227 , htmfbtm881876 , htmfcii882262 , htmfcef882155 , htmfcfp882191 , htmfcbm882084 , htmfccw882120 , htmfbyt882013 , htmfcgt882221 , htmfcic882256 , htmfce8874 , htmfcfj882185 , htmfccq882114
But how can Adidas give up this concept so easily? So in the next generation of McGrady boots TMAC5, we see the improved HUG system. Improved HUG system is no longer that is not the need for shoelace parcel system, but a simplified HUG concept, but in the concept of retaining the design of HUG ideas, but the role is not that the inspiration from the skateboard Lock the system.

Hidden in the upper under the HUG three-dimensional system on the TMAC5 was brought to the upper. The new HUG system consists of two parts. First of all, shoelaces are hidden under a flexible fabric, this layer of elastic fabric similar to the boots, but was placed outside, this design led to the Department of shoelaces inconvenient, but it played a very good package effect. Followed by the upper and added a skewed upper strap, the strap is the key to improving the HUG technology. As the four generations on the use of plastic HUG unit, comfort and durability have become a problem, so in the five generations, Adidas returned to the most original design. Although the appearance does not seem to have four generations of technology, but the improved HUG technology has improved the performance of the shoes. Insole with Adidas latest geoFIT technology, can provide excellent shock absorption at the same time also make full of feet and shoes integration. TMAC5 selling point is not improved after the HUG, but the use of "wood" this design concept. Shoes in the end of the Torsion System system and heel at the support structure of the material from the plastic into a piece of wood, and with the laser engraved in the above McGrady's signature. Because it is natural wood, so every piece of wood has its own unique lines, so that each pair of TMAC5 are unique. Shoes in the end still use Adidas traditional technology adiPRENE and adiPRENE +. Relative to the previous generations of shoes heel out just thicker EVA, TMAC5 after the palm to join the adiPRENE cushioning rubber, so that the performance of the shoes reached a peak.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Air Jordan CP3.IV Podulon+Zoom Air

Air Jordan CP3.IV (2011) Main technology: Podulon + Zoom Air Highlights: The inside and outside of the shoe body of the three-dimensional printing process is not only beautiful, but also enhance the sense of shoes
Well, in nature, usually only one of each colony.
Queen bee, in the NBA (microblogging) is only one, that is the New Orleans Hornets in the headed star - Chris Paul
Paul has all the defender have the ability, not only can help players score, they can also be a critical moment to maintain a stable hit rate, a breakthrough is very sharp. In addition, Paul is extremely good at steals, which for the team's defense has an important role. He has become the team leader. In addition, Paul's excellent three-point shot is one of his deadly weapons.
1.83 meters tall, although not very short, but in the elderly, such as Lin's NBA without any advantage, then he will pay more and more effort! Only hard work will be successful!
"He was a little friend, but on the pitch, no one would have better than this little friend." - Bryant had evaluated CP
Paul in 2005 to enter the NBA, was signed by NIKE, is once NIKE "out of the basket" one of ten!
htmfaod881061 , htmfah8825 , htmfaeo88812 , htmfamy881030 , htmfals88998 , htmfadi88780 , htmfajg88934 , htmfaia88902 , htmfagv88871 , htmfadd88775 , htmfaby88744 , htmfaas88712 , htmfanu881052 , htmfakc88956 , htmfaix88925 , htmfahr88893 , htmfanp881047 , htmfamj881015 , htmfaff88829 , htmfae8822 , htmfacu88766 , htmfald88983 , htmfais88920 , htmfaai88702 , htmfahm88888 , htmfagg88856 , htmfadv88793 , htmfacp88761 , htmfabj88729 , htmfaad88697 , htmfaol881069 , htmfanf881037 , htmfam8830 , htmfaku88974 , htmfajo88942 , htmfaii88910 , htmfaog881064 , htmfana881032 , htmfalv881001 , htmfadl88783 , htmfacf88751 , htmfagy88874 , htmfaem88810 , htmfadg88778 , htmfalq88996 , htmfakk88964 , htmfaca88746 , htmfaav88715 , htmfahz88901 , htmfagt88869 , htmfanx881055 , htmfafn88837 , htmfaeh88805 , htmfadb88773 , htmfall88991 , htmfakf88959 , htmfaj8827 , htmfabw88742 , htmfaaq88710 , htmfago88864 , htmfans881050 , htmfafi88832 , htmfaec88800 , htmfacx88769 , htmfaot881077 , htmfann881045 , htmfamh881013 , htmfalb88981
After Jordan fancy, switch to JORDAN TEAM through a lot of good color of the AIR JORDAN, New Orleans Hornets color AJ9.5, AJ12, AJ23 are more classic shoes!
More importantly, in 2008 has its own signature shoes, which is sufficient to prove their ability! Not every JORDAN TEAM can have signatures.
CP3 series of shoes cost is still quite high, less than a thousand of the price, high technical content, is the pursuit of speed who preferred!

In the NBA (microblogging) finals in the sixth game, the Dallas Mavericks (microblogging) on ​​the road to 105: 95 victory over the Miami Heat, so the total score of 4: 2 Dallas Mavericks in the history of the first championship Trophy Finals averaged 26 points and 11.8 rebounds Dirk Nowitzki also won the finals most valuable player.

 Young Dirk Nowitzki is a standard Jordan shoes, especially Air Jordan 13, specifically to find Dirk young when wearing Air Jordan 13 Sentimental Photo

Jason Kidd, who has not yet reached its peak, has led the Mavericks to the team's first NBA championship in the history of the team, further enriching his career to consolidate his position in the Hall of Fame. His legendary 16 seasons, give us a different legendary shoes, Kidd wearing them step by step to the championship.

Each basketball player can dream of the end of the game in the final stage, to the other last vote, spike opponents. We have witnessed such a few scenes. Which June 14, 1998, Michael Jordan to each other to a last vote. Because that time he wore Air Jordan14 black / wassetti red, we are accustomed to call Air Jordan14 black / wassetti red for the last vote to commemorate this memorable moment, has become the Air Jordan14 series of the most expensive color.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Nike SF-AF1 “Black/Gum”

Before we reported that there is a Kobe A.D. Elite elite version will debut in mid-2017, before the exposure of the Nike internal information display price of ¥ 1599 RMB.
And today the channel emperor has brought tongue spy photos exposure, which is Kobe A.D. Elite's debut!

You can see there is a special shoelace device, Kobe Logo's presentation shows its identity, and the upper material will be compared with Kobe A.D. have a big change, I believe that soon there will be more physical exposure!
This device Xiaobian feel like the use of Nike shoes in the shoe system!

Iverson's affection for himself, Ross said:
"This is the love between brothers, nothing to say."
More and more color! Nike SF-AF1 "Black / Gum"

In addition to the handsome appearance of the military style, based on the Air Force 1 classic shoes to create the competent contours, but also its catchy people of the big kill device!

And looks more Nike SF-AF1 will be more and more into the commercial color, in addition to the previous exposure of the String dress, in front of this Nike SF-AF1 "Black / Gum" will be officially released on January 19 The

UDahjg25674 , UDahca25486 , UDaiga26266 , UDahhs25634 , UDahpb25825 , UDahh2215 , UDahut25973 , UDahoj25807 , UDahua25954 , UDahzs26102 , UDahti25936 , UDahbi25468 , UDagv2203 , UDaifi26248 , UDahz2233 , UDahaq25450 , UDaieq26230 , UDahgh25597 , UDagzz25433 , UDahnr25789 , UDahfp25579 , UDahmc25748 , UDahsq25918 , UDahlk25730 , UDaguh25285 , UDahyh26065 , UDahry25900 , UDahxp26047 , UDagzg25414 , UDagsx25249 , UDaidf26193 , UDahwx26029 , UDahex25561 , UDagyo25396 , UDahee25542 , UDahdm25524 , UDahrf25881 , UDahk2218 , UDahqn25863 , UDagse25230 , UDahwe26010 , UDahpv25845 , UDagxw25378 , UDahvm25992 , UDagxd25359 , UDaibc26138 , UDahcu25506 , UDagwl25341 , UDaiak26120 , UDahjh25675 , UDahcb25487 , UDaigb26267 , UDahht25635 , UDahpc25826 , UDahha25616 , UDahuu25974 , UDahok25808 , UDahub25955 , UDahzt26103 , UDahtj25937 , UDahbj25469 , UDagva25304 , UDaifj26249
The upper with lychee leather and nylon fabric with a combination of delicate texture and practical performance have extraordinary performance. Raw rubber outsole is simple and generous, is still the perfect appearance of the core military style!

Devin Booker wear your own Nike Zoom Rev 2017 PE

Harrison Barnes on the feet adidas Crazy Bounce PE
There is also a luxury suit!

LeBron first-generation signature shoes Nike Air Zoom Generation is about to re-sale, in addition to the 25th of the commercially available version, StockX also opened a luxury package auction, the auction package a total of Air Zoom Generation and LeBron 14 "Out Of Nowhere "two versions, each of the 23 sets, in addition to the shoes, the package also includes a championship ring, the championship site wood flooring wooden box, home design shoebox, championship handbook and championship home wood flooring resin certificate card , Very commemorative and collection value.

Jordan Brand becomes the new sponsor of the Argentinean Basketball Association

25 anniversary of the pure white paragraph AIR JORDAN 7 is about to re-sale
In 2010, Jordan Brand was born in 1985, Jordan Brand launched a 25th anniversary series "Silver Anniversary". The series includes the Air Jordan 1 to Air Jordan 2010 25 pairs of pure white on behalf of the shoes, but had only flow out a small amount of AJ 3, AJ 4, AJ 9 and AJ 11.

Earlier this year, following Air Jordan 4 "Pure Money" is about to re-engraved, the foreign media has exposed a pair of white Air Jordan 7 will also debut this summer.

It is reported that the shoes will be June 3 in Jordan designated shops for sale, the retail price of $ 190.

Ray Allen to their own golf putt ball even extravagant set with a pair of children's shoes size Air Jordan 7 "Olympic"

And then his golf club bag! Which can buy?

Nike Kobe A.D. "Navy" is coming soon
This pair of Nike Kobe A.D. with a simple navy blue people, dark blue fabric shoes full of white allies outsole, in the heel decorated with two intertwined snakes, but also quite interesting. Nike Kobe A.D. "Navy Blue" is scheduled for sale on February 1 at a retail price of $ 160.

UNDERCOVER × Nike Jungle Dunk both sides 2017 new joint you see which pair of shoes shadow?

Celebrate Wade 35th birthday, Li Ning Wade Road 5 birthday note version will soon be on sale

This section of Wade Road 5 birthday note version will be on January 17 sale, priced at 1199 yuan.

Air Jordan 13 "Black Cat"
Next week for sale

A Bathing Ape x NEIGHBORHOOD 2017 Joint notice

Instagram on Bape officially announced the first joint series with NEIGHBORHOOD launched in 2017. From the picture shows that the joint will be both sides of the signature elements are added to a single product.

James first made Instagram announced that Nike Air Zoom Generation will be engraved

Then again made the video excitedly announced
Own first pair of signature shoes
Really want to come back!

Finally, Nike official officially released this pair of Nike Air Zoom Generation
The United States
January 25 sale
Priced at $ 175
Confirm return! Air Jordan 12 "Cherry" engraved this year!

This time, the shoes players waiting for a long time Air Jordan 12 "Cherry" 2017 physical map finally exposed, it is very exciting. Photo white upper and red outsole match, bringing a strong visual impact. Black lined with the details of the first year, retro tribute to full!

Air Jordan 12 "Cherry" will be available in the spring of 2017, the sale price of $ 190, interested partners please continue to pay attention to our tracking reports.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Air Jordan 6 “Alternate”

According to the famous lace media Tmz website broke the news, Bryant third daughter has been born, this is the third time Kobe Bryant became a father, he and his wife Vanessa had already had two daughters. The Tmz website expressed congratulations to Kobe Bryant, who wrote, "Congratulations, Kobe Bryant, and once again finished three consecutive championships.

After graduation Kobe Bryant completed the creation of three consecutive years, do not know after the retirement is still busy Bryant will not temporarily idle down, experience when full-time milk dad's feelings.

Rocket 22 field into the 307 three-pointers, creating a new record of the Union
There is a pair of DeRozan exclusive PE!

The shoes with a white fabric wrapped in the shoe body, supplemented by black Swoosh and red shoelaces embellishment, and the Raptors at home to complement each other.

NIKEiD custom platform has been shelved Kobe A.D., interested friends may wish to try their own!

UDageo24876 , UDaexh24011 , UDagdw24858 , UDaewp23993 , UDafip24305 , UDagdd24839 , UDaftz24601 , UDaeys24048 , UDaftg24582 , UDafks24360 , UDagfg24894 , UDafk2166 , UDafjh24323 , UDafau24102 , UDafvj24637 , UDaghj24949 , UDafab24083 , UDaezk24066 , UDaflk24378 , UDagfz24913 , UDafxm24692 , UDafwu24674 , UDafwb24655 , UDafnn24433 , UDagib24967 , UDafmv24415 , UDafmc24396 , UDafdp24175 , UDafye24710 , UDagke25022 , UDafcx24157 , UDagjm25004 , UDafce24138 , UDaets23918 , UDagiu24986 , UDagag24764 , UDaet2149 , UDafeh24193 , UDafyx24729 , UDafqj24507 , UDagkx25041 , UDafpr24489 , UDaeuk23936 , UDafot24470 , UDafgk24248 , UDaffs24230 , UDaff2161 , UDafrb24525 , UDagdb24837 , UDagcj24819 , UDaevc23954 , UDafhc24266 , UDagbr24801 , UDafte24580 , UDafsm24562 , UDaexf24009 , UDafru24544 , UDagdu24856 , UDafin24303 , UDafhv24285 , UDaezi24064 , UDaftx24599 , UDagfx24911 , UDaeyq24046 , UDagfe24892 , UDaexy24028 , UDafjy24340 , UDagem24874 , UDafvh24635 , UDafa2156 , UDafup24617

Letter brother led the team of the data
Back is a team!
Thunder color! Air Jordan 31 "Supernova" is on sale

Wei Shao in the NBA to kill the Quartet, six consecutive three pairs of history, Air Jordan 31 Thunder also have to sell it!
In front of this Thunder imprinted a lot of Air Jordan 31 "Supernova" is still a symbol of the double Swoosh show, orange Juampman Swoosh in the dark blue upper face against the extraordinarily dazzling. Flyweave material vamp to dark blue-based colors, supplemented by orange stripes, eye index burst table. Is the supernova mark inside the tongue that reminds you of the heat that is glowing?

Item No .: 845037-400
Release date: December 24, 2016
Offer price: $ 185

Jordan Melo M13 also has a full (over) red (year) color

Today online to see a pair of Owen exclusive custom version of Nike Kyrie 2
And share with you!
Rabbit upper brother magic red! Air Jordan 6 rabbit starling time to determine it!

In addition to the black cat at the end of the month and next year's chameleon, like AJ6 friends do not forget that this rabbit starling color Air Jordan 6 "Alternate"!

In front of this pair of Air Jordan 6 "Alternate" has been repeatedly exposed, in the continuation of the classic rabbit starling color at the same time, the new leather texture and tongue details, and into a more refined visual experience!

Item: 384664-113
Release date: March 11, 2017
Offer price: $ 190
(RMB, then everyone under the conversion, almost!)
Wave after wave!

Air Jordan 4 "Bred" or will be re-engraved next year
Today, the Internet also broke another news, aroused everyone's attention. That is another classic Air Jordan 4 "Bred" is also possible to get another re-engraved next year. And the re-engraved, shoes will also follow the first year of design, using Nike Air heel.

But in the re-engraved on the road farther and farther Jordan Brand, next year will certainly adhere to their own engraved road, good and bad, you own to assess it.
After all, this year's re-engraved this year to see, remove AJ1 do not say.

Although this kind of "Rare Air" shoes AJ1 not on, but really make shoes frightened! Do not mention!
Other Air Jordan is the use of the first year of Nike Air followed by no one to buy! Are on the shelf unsalable!
To say good is AJ5 black silver!
New texture to join!
Jordan Brand has been trying to innovate, for the Air Jordan series into new vitality.

In front of this new Air Jordan 1 "Pure White" to simple domineering black and white hit color rendering, white upper and black outsole to bring the impact of visual effects. Heel, forefoot and Swoosh are using a new micro-perforated material, unique texture is impressive. First year shoes with a new material, I believe will give you a different feeling
Release date: January 2017 (to be confirmed)
Offer price: $ 160
Get out! Big brother to come!
Royal blue return! Air Jordan 1 "Royal" will be engraved in 2017!

There is news that Air Jordan 1 "Royal" will be "Rare Air" shoes return, so many players betrayed a sweat shoes.
(Do not ask me what is "Rare Air" shoes! Above just above!)
The latest news shows, Jordan Brand confirmed Air Jordan 1 "Shadow" will not re-engraved, but will be authentic OG shoes to Air Jordan 1 "Royal" return! I believe this market price of nearly 7,000 of the shoes will set off a stormy sea!

Do you think it is over? not yet?

Remember it? 3M reflective material!
Air Jordan 13 "Bred" will be re-engraved in 2017

This Air Jordan 13 "Bred" is also the first to confirm that in 2017 re-engraved return. It is reported that the re-engraved, shoes will follow the 1998 first year version of the design, which is the shoes since 2004, after the engraved, once again to OG original integrity return.

NikeLab Blazer Studio to help cortical version of the exposure!

Low release version with the release

Almost forgot!
Air Jordan 8 Retro "UNDEFEATED" color display

Nike Air Max 1 Soho Limited
It is more like a work of art!

Nike New York Soho new store has been sold since the sale of a number of shop limited shoes, including the pair of cork for the design inspiration Air Max 1, the use of cork material production shoes, insoles and inside to brown suede to build, equipped with white soles , Followed by a unique limited number